Wednesday 12 October 2011


Jumping over the Saguenay river

So how do you stay calm, composed and maintain self esteem in a tough environment? Here are some tips you may to consider as a starter guide to self improvement. Building Self Esteem requires believing in yourself. But like all human behaviours, believing is yourself is a function of your environment and how you relate to what happens to you. Building high self esteem requires that you know what makes you think less of yourself and stay away from it.
Be on the alert, these situations can drown your esteem.

 Negative Work Environment

Be careful when you find yourself in a corporate environment or in a work field where non appreciative people usually get on top.Usually nobody will appreciate your input even when you go overboard and do more than required. You may miss lunch or do overtime, that will not work.  When you get into such situation, do not think you are not important. Do not try pleasing anybody who cares less about your ability. They will refused to be pleased anyway. Stay out of the politics, see them for who they are and work with pride. Appreciate yourself and only get involved in a healthy competition.

Other People’s Behavior

There are many shades of people with varing attitudes. You may be nice, gentle and respectful. However, not everybody is. The earlier your recognise this, the better. There are people who are Bulldozers, gossipmongers, backstabbers, naggers, complainers,… Do not associate with them or take them serious. They dent your confidence with their words and if you associate with them, you will appreciate in their behaviour. Their words may be uncaring and mean. Take them on a face value and refuse to be affected.

Past Experience

Many of us have gone through traumatic experiences. There may be varying degrees like the loss of a lover or a child or even bad relationship experiences from the opposite sex. Trauma may have come in the form of humiliation in front of people you care about or even failure in a project you put so much into building. There is nothing wrong with crying when you experience pain. It is natural after all. However, don’t let the pain lead you into fear such that you detach yourself from your potential. Treat each failure and mistake as a lesson. Cry enough. Entertain the pain a while. Stop the fear. Move on.

Negative World View

Have you been in a position where you see your colleagues do so well that their success stops you from trying because you think you cannot make it as far as they have? Well that happened to me. I blew a chance to work for a big company with incredible benefit because the guy who presented before me in an assessment did so well that I said, I cannot beat that. Those words "I cannot beat that" made me shrink and perform less than I was capable. I lost my esteem. I realised that competition is not always healthy for the human spirit. We always have to accept that people will be better than us in something, just as we may be better than them in others. Don't shrink. Find what you are best at and do it everyday. You will increase your self confidence by doing that.
Determination Counts
Our Nature as people, our behaviour and personality is derived from our environmental experiences and genetics. The fad during our childhood, our friends attitudes, our spouses faith all affect how we think and act. Naturally, you will think that people will naturally gravitate towards good company and make good friends or watch good movies so as to build a positive personality. The truth is, we our everyday actions affect our lives in a much older age, when we already have build a negative consciousness with decade long everyday actions.
However, building positive self esteem is a choice. It is a choice that requires deliberate, consistent, conscious actions to attain. If you lack self confidence, then you have a choice to make. Developing your self esteem is not a one day thing as many people preach. It will require consistent positive thinking, risk-taking, and getting support from those who care about you. Stay away from things that makes you fear or think less of yourself. Get a list of your strengths and do what you love everyday.

You can attain high self esteem. But you will need to do that by knowing what makes you think less of yourself and avoid it. You should also know what makes you happy and do it. Finally take some risks and do what you feared to do before.

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